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GAIL (India) Ltd. Visited BEM Steel Pipe Sales Company

The delegation of five senior leaders from GAIL (India) Ltd. paid a visit to BEM Steel Pipe Sales Company on 18th Feb., 2017. The senior leaders and international trade managers gave a warm hospitality to the important clients from afar and had a close communication with them.

GAIL (India) Ltd. is the biggest national gas development and distribution company which is located in New Delhi, India. It is mainly engaged in oil exploration, natural gas pipeline transmission, urban gas distribution, communication, electric power, etc. BEM Company has already cooperated with GAIL for 8 years and been awarded 10 projects by GAIL, accumulatively has supplied about 60,000 tons of quality pipes.


After company presentation respectively, the both parties looked back upon mutual friendly cooperation and had a deeply discussion and communication on India gas and oil pipeline projects in the future. At the meeting, the parties reached a consensus on further cooperation and common development. The delegation visited several production lines and labs after the meeting.


The visit by GAIL Company strengthened mutual cooperation consensus, which made a good foundation for the mutual cooperation. The deeply commutation will certainly inject fresh impetus into the long-term mutual cooperation in the future. (Translated by Zheng Fenfen)

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